Don't Have Time to Exercise? Try Seated Core Exercises For Riding Core Strength

Our core strength is important for balance in the saddle. Some would argue this is common knowledge and I would counter it is not. There is a misconception that equine riding is just sitting on the back of the horse. Until the horse goes into a trot and canter. Sitting a trot and canter like a pro is difficult without core strength.

Sometimes time, money, and resources can be a challenge. This is a common struggle for folks on a fixed income and/or struggling with recovery while on leave. There are some options. These may not work for everyone, especially when we're recovering from an invasive surgery so make sure to work with the advisement of a professional therapist.

My therapist is helping me while I recover from a mass resection in my chest. It has been a slow recovery process that has been frustrating because the surgical procedure was through my core muscles. As I maneuver through my recovery process while doing something fun, horses are helping me discover my limits as well as challenging them. 



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